Top view of crop anonymous barefoot female measuring weight on scales on white background

20 Tips To Lose Weight Without Exercise

Picture of Be Good at Stuff

Be Good at Stuff

You may be eager to lose a few pounds, but you’re not keen on changing your lifestyle to live at the gym. You can rest assured that your goals can be met. All you need are a few common-sense tactics in your back pocket.

Are you more of a gym foe than a gym fan? That’s all right! It is possible to lose weight without lifting weights or, even worse, exercising.

Here are 20 tips to lose weight without exercise.

Don’t be afraid to weigh yourself

Scales don’t lie. Weigh-ins on a daily basis have been shown to aid weight loss and maintain it.

Don’t worry about everyday changes in weight though. Hormones, water retention, and consuming too much salt can all contribute to inconsistent weight.

If you’re going to weigh yourself every day, do so first thing in the morning before eating anything. To accurately track your development, you need to be consistent.

Keep unhealthy foods out of sight

This is a simple one. Keeping unhealthy items out of sight also prevents you from eating them.

Research has shown that people who lived in homes with high-calorie items on display were more likely to weigh more than those who lived in homes with merely a bowl of fruit on display.  So, get your house in order and hide your snacks!

Water isn’t just good for you

Even if you’re not attempting to lose weight, it goes without saying that water should be your beverage of choice. Water can also help you lose weight, especially if you drink it before you eat.

Drinking two glasses of water 30 minutes before a meal has been found to lower appetite and overall calorie intake.

person holding clear drinking glass

Smaller portion sizes help you lose weight

The unfortunate reality is that portion sizes are no longer what they once were. They’re significantly larger, particularly in restaurants.

Adding more to your plate might contribute to overeating and weight gain, but you don’t have to go hungry. Simply be conscious of your portions and feed yourself a little less than usual. 

Eat slowly

It’s never a good idea to eat like you haven’t eaten in a week. Meals aren’t a race. Seriously, it’s been proven that eating more slowly reduces calorie consumption and makes people feel full. What a win-win situation.

So take your time chewing. Counting the amount of times you chew each bite can help you get into the habit of timing your meals if you’re a speed eater.

Good fat is not a fad

When it comes to losing weight, healthy fats are definitely your friend. Unsaturated fats (found in fish, nuts, avocados, and olive oil) and even some saturated fats (found in butter and coconut) help you feel fuller for longer while also aiding in the absorption of key vitamins.

That isn’t to say you should consume a lot of fats, but you shouldn’t avoid them either. Chemically processed trans fats are the only fats you should avoid, whether you’re trying to lose weight or not.

Get cooking

Cooking isn’t just a terrific way to impress people; It can also help slim down your waistline and save you money. In fact, folks who eat at home more frequently eat better and consume fewer calories than others who dine out.

It makes sense: you have control over what goes on your plate when you’re the one behind the stove. You don’t have to be a master chef to prepare a delicious meal, and you can indulge in a restaurant meal now and then. Simply attempt to eat more meals at home than in restaurants.

smiling woman standing and putting pepper on stock pot

Fiber is your friend

Fiber, in a nutshell, keeps you feeling full. And when it comes to weight loss, one type stands out: viscous fibre. When this unique substance comes into touch with water, it forms a gel that slows stomach emptying and allows your body to absorb nutrients for longer.

Only plant foods have viscous fibre. Foods like brussels sprouts, oranges, beans, flaxseeds, and asparagus can help you get more of this super fibre in your diet.

Protein is also your friend

Foods rich in protein aren’t only tasty; they also help to keep the munchies at bay and control your overall appetite. This is partly due to the fact that protein has an effect on appetite and fullness hormones like GLP-1 and ghrelin.

According to some research, consuming protein first thing in the morning can help you manage your hunger throughout the day, so consider substituting eggs for your oatmeal.

Get more sleep

A good night’s sleep is crucial for weight loss (and many other reasons!).

Missing out on precious sleep might mess with appetite-controlling hormones like leptin and ghrelin. These hormone fluctuations might make you hungry and seek unhealthy meals, which is all the more reason to prioritise your beauty sleep!

woman in white dress lying on bed

Be open and honest about your snacking habits

While it’s acceptable to snack now and again, it’s easy to overdo it. Try declaring your snacks if you’re a serial snacker.

It may sound strange, but telling yourself or someone else that you’re going to have a snack will make you think about how often you snack and what you’re snacking on.

Try red plates

As strange as it may seem, dining off red plates has been shown to help people eat less. The fact that many warning and stop lights are red could explain this colour prejudice. Whatever the case may be, it’s worth a go, particularly if you’re consuming less-than-healthy things.

Size does matter

If you’re attempting to reduce weight, portion size isn’t the only thing to consider. It’s important to note that the average dinner plate, like the average person’s weight, has grown in size over time.

This isn’t a random occurrence. In fact, eating off smaller plates might fool your brain into thinking you’re eating more than you are, which is particularly useful when it comes to desserts and less nutritious items.

Stress Less

Reducing stress levels might also assist you in achieving your desired weight. Chronic stress, like lack of sleep, can disrupt your hormonal balance. Furthermore, many of us cope with stress by eating comfort foods that aren’t necessarily the healthiest.

Yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises are all simple and effective methods for reducing stress.

Focus on your food

While it may be tempting to binge-watch your favourite show while eating a delicious meal, if you’re trying to lose weight, it’s important to keep distractions to a minimum.

You’re considerably more prone to overeat if you’re not paying attention to what you’re eating. According to one study, respondents ate 10% more when they were preoccupied throughout their lunch.

Try going screen-free if you often use social media or watch TV while eating.

Be mindful and focus on how your stomach feels

We often eat with all of our senses except our stomachs. We consume with our eyes and, on rare occasions, with our emotions. As a result, we don’t always stop when we’re satisfied; rather, we stop when we’re on the verge of bursting.

Mindful eating involves paying attention to your body’s internal cues and cravings when eating meals and snacks. Slow down and pay attention to how you feel during your meal the next time you sit down to eat.

Don’t drink soda (…or any drinks high in sugar)

Sugary drinks like soda are calorie-dense and nutritionally worthless. If you’re trying to reduce weight, these should be the first things to go. Replace these beverages with water.

Be prepared and stay organised

Preparing your meals ahead of time, at least in part, can help you save time and calories in the kitchen. These days,  work and life often get in the way, and you don’t always have the time or energy to go grocery shopping and prepare a dinner from scratch.

Instead, go to the grocery store once or twice a week and prepare your meals ahead of time, such as cooking several servings of rice or grilling a few chicken pieces. You can grab, go, and reheat as needed in this manner.

Probiotics can’t hurt

Not all bacteria, especially those in your gut, are made equal. Researchers are only beginning to comprehend the role of microbiota (gut bacteria) on weight and metabolism, but new research has linked obesity to bacterial strain imbalances.

While taking a probiotic isn’t a certain way to lose weight, it can’t hurt. Probiotics can also help to improve your overall health and immunity. Take a probiotic supplement or eat fermented foods like yoghurt and miso to boost your probiotic levels.

Get some Vitamin D into you

The link between vitamin D and weight loss isn’t entirely clear, but according to some studies, taking vitamin D supplements can help with weight loss and fat burning. 

This vitamin comes with the added benefits of stronger bones and better immunity too. 

So, whether you take a supplement, get some sun, or eat vitamin D-rich foods, it’s worth a shot.

man and woman in black jacket


On Key

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