yellow lemon fruit beside clear glass bottle

The 27 Best Cleaning Hacks Of All Time

Picture of Be Good at Stuff

Be Good at Stuff

If you're looking for some easy ways to clean your home, you've come to the right place. Check out these amazing cleaning hacks that will make your life a lot easier.

Use a Pillowcase to Clean a Ceiling Fan

To clean ceiling fans with less mess, cover them with a pillowcase one at a time, then wipe. This makes sure that the dust falls into the pillowcase and not on to the floor, furniture or yourself.

Baby wipes are great for spot-cleaning fabric

Just don’t confuse baby wipes with cleaning wipes, which might contain bleach or other harmful chemicals.

Just make sure you know the difference between baby wipes and cleaning wipes, which often contain bleach or other chemicals. 

Use Socks to Clean Blinds

Spray a sock with water and put it on your other hand. Remove dust from both sides of the slat by sliding your sock-covered hand along each panel of the blind and wiping it.

Clean Ceilings with a Paint Roller

Ceiling (especially textured ones) can be annoying to clean. If you don’t take care, sweeping them may cause damage or pieces to fall. To remove dust and cobwebs from the ceiling, use a damp high-nap paint roller instead of a broom.

Use Lemon Oil and Vinegar for Shine

Woodwork and wood furnishings may accumulate dust and grime over time. To maintain them, wipe-downs are required on a regular basis. For a richer shine, combine 1 part lemon oil with 1 part white vinegar for extra shine.

Baking Soda and Vinegar Are a Great Way to Clean Your Dishwasher

This is an excellent solution for eliminating dirt and odors from your dishwasher. Start by adding 1 cup baking soda to the bottom of your empty dishwasher and letting it sit overnight. Then run a hot cycle using vinegar instead of detergent to clean and deodorize your dishwasher.

Toothpaste can clean sneakers

Cleaning and maintaining sneakers can be quite difficult. Just grab an old toothbrush and a tiny bit of toothpaste to clean your sneakers in no time.

Get rid of grease stains

Mix four parts rubbing alcohol with one part salt and apply to the stain to remove grease stains from carpet or other materials. Allow the surface to dry before vacuuming any remaining salt if necessary.

Clean your microwave with steam

You can easily spend a significant amount of time and effort scrubbing your microwave, but why would you when you can let the machine do the majority of the work? This fantastic hack creates a steamy atmosphere that minimizes food mess for simple cleaning.

Just add a cup of water with a few drops of lemon into the microwave, set it on high for 5 minutes, then wipe clean.

Clean your sponges in the microwave

Sponges are often teeming with germs and bacteria, especially those left sitting in the sink. But what if you could eradicate this issue in a matter of seconds? Simply wrap damp sponges in a paper towel and place them in the microwave for 10-15 seconds and you’re done.

Use a vacuum to clean your cabinets

A vacuum can be an excellent tool for cleaning cabinets that are difficult to access. Pick up dust and crumbs within the cabinets using your vacuum’s brush attachment. Clean the area around the hardware with a dampened cloth for the outside of the cabinets.

Use bread to pick up tiny shards of broken glass

Instead of attempting to pick up tiny shards of glass with your fingers, grab a piece of bread and press it over the shards. Your hands and feet will be grateful!

Remove permanent marker with sunscreen

Sunscreen is essential for keeping you and your family safe from the sun’s harmful UV rays, but did you know that it can also protect your furniture, clothes, and other surfaces from a rogue permanent marker? To remove those hard-to-remove permanent marker stains, apply a dab of sunscreen.

Drano can clean conrete

Exhaust systems and transmissions in older vehicles might leave unsightly stains on your driveway and garage floor. But there is a secret weapon that can help you easily remove those stains: home drain cleaner. So go out and get yourself some Drano.

Use vinegar to clean your computer

Instead of harsh chemicals, a microfiber cloth and some white vinegar are the most effective and simplest approach to clean your computer screen and keyboard. A cotton swab soaked in vinegar, on the other hand, is ideal for small, hidden areas.

Remove lime scale and hard water from your shower head

Unsightly white streaks and a slower flow of water are caused by hard water and limescale. If you’re having trouble with your showerhead, build-up on it may be the source of the problem. A short soak in vinegar takes care of the issue quickly.

The simplest way to keep your shower clean

You shower more than you clean your bathroom, don’t you? This shower cleaning trick takes advantage of this setup in a clever way. Keep a scrub brush with your favorite homemade cleaning solution on hand, and give your shower door and stall walls a wash after each shower to remove soap scum, water spots, and other debris.

Use windshield water repellent on glass shower doors

The same substance that helps keep your car’s windscreen clear of rainwater can also keep your glass shower door clean. Spray on the water repellent solution and wipe it down lightly to avoid those pesky hard water or soap scum stains.

Shaving cream can be used to get rid of water stains

Shower screens are susceptible to water stains, which is why they may not be the most appealing thing to clean. Shaving cream applied to water stains for 15 minutes before wiping away results in spectacular shine.

Put LEGO in the dishwasher

Instead of scrubbing plastic children’s toys to keep them clean, spray them with anti-bacterial fluid and run them through the dishwasher. Smaller parts, such as LEGO, should be placed in a wash bag or pillowcase to prevent them from getting lost.

Let your kids jump on your mattress

Mattresses can get musty, so jumping on the bed may help refresh it. To draw dust from the inside, have your kids bounce on it for a little while. Once they’re finished, vacuum the top of it to remove the dust.

Vinegar, water, and baking soda can be used to clean a charred pan

Fill the pan with water and then add a cup of white vinegar. Bring it to a boil, remove it from the stove, and then add two tablespoons of baking soda. Allow it to sit for a few seconds so that it may cool down before removing the mixture from the pan.

Make the clothes-drying process faster

Need those clothes dried faster? A dry towel can be used to absorb some of the moisture, making the process quicker. If you’re concerned about towel fuzz, simply turn your clothes inside out while they dry.

Remove water rings from wood with your hairdryer

With this simple cleaning trick, you can effortlessly remove fresh water rings. Simply use a hairdryer to evaporate the water in the ring. You can also apply olive oil to the wood after drying it.

Clean toilet stains with Coca-Cola

If you don’t want to use hazardous chemicals, consider using Coca-Cola to clean toilet stains. It isn’t good for you, but it’s an excellent toilet cleanser. Coke can also be used to clean your jewelry in clever cleaning methods.

Make sure you clean from top down

This is a simple concept but is often overlooked. When you clean above first, dirt falls to the bottom as a result of nature’s force of gravity.

When you start at the bottom and work your way to the top, you will only make the lower half dirty again.

Learn the Secret to Cleaning More Quickly

Finally, cleaning more frequently might be the key to cleaning faster. You’ll save time in the long run if you stick to a set routine.


On Key

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